Donnerstag, 6. März 2008

About Lambaba

first of all: I could not do it! Shit! Shit! Shit! Yeah, all of you, you got my emotions now. I saw this Jump and it looked so "sebabba" to say it in israeli, for sure I had to try. But it caught me, like it never did before. I was addicted to Lambaba, I rested just to get more and more fingerpain and bloodblisters. But I still like jumps, this would be the perfect one. Unfortunately I couldn't do it. Tara from the Baba Cafe told me that as far as she knows there were only 4 guys (incl. Sharma and Nate Gold) who could do it. But she saw so many trying it, including me. I tried, I really tried hard, 11 days sacrificing for this jump. I tried exactly 157 times.
Unfortunately without success, but I was close, all the time so close...
I keep on dreaming.


2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Klaus.

Habe mitgefiebert ohne Ende. So knapp - verdammt...

Weiß übrigens mittlerweile weshalb euch das Tessin so ans HErz gewachsen ist. Echt traumhaft... Kerstin und ich waren drei Tage in Chironoco und zwei in Cresziano.
Werde die nächsten Wochen mal in Tonsai vorbei schauen - mache gerade Praktikum in Singapur.

Viele Grüße

Brenna hat gesagt…

My heart aches for you on this! I see how much you want to get it! I love that you kept trying! 157 tries??? Good work! Now it's time to find a new project! :)