Dienstag, 12. Februar 2008

A perfect day in Hampi

We wake up as soon as we wake up. It takes exactly one step and we lie in our hammock. Slowly we open our eyes and give a sign to the waiter, after the order we receive our delicious breakfast exactly at that time the appetite comes up.
After Chai and Banana Porridge we are heading towards "Bobby's" on our daily shortcut through the ricepaddies and palmtrees, approximately 400 meters. Arke - our nepalesi friend - serves us delicious meals from Israeli to Tibetan food, and hmmm... Pancakes! Usually this is the time of the day where a stoned somebody starts to talk about his shakras, karma, inner balance, the medical reason to be stoned, and a perfect peaceful yogaworld. The daily dose of nonsense this day was a Yoga - Yogi - Hare Krishna - Teacher - Guru who explained to me seriously that he can change the weather. It's pretty easy, you just start a fire and the weather will change. (Is this the reason for the global warming? Because everybody wants sun instead of rain?) It's proofed by the way, he did it in Scotland where they had 6 months of pure solid rainfall every single day. The guy came, started a fire and they had two sunny days! It's quite a challenge to spark a fire during scottish rain! At the same day a peace process started somehow, somewhere because of the fire. Better side effects than antibiotics ha?
After I unplug the earspeakers and store the MP3 device (in that case I could avoid this discussion), I might give a treatment to an injured or overworked climber or we discuss taping techniques which I enjoy way more than the daily dose! Somedays we switch back to this Diarrhoe - Antibiotics versus Herbal med. - good or bad discussion. For this case I have a spare battery stored, smart ha? but this should be an example for a good day.
Two good pancakes later, the Fruitladies appear. They call me "baba" (for holy big brother). I like that. Afterwards we enjoy a fulfilling vitamin-packed and so good fruitcocktail. 4 p.m.! hurry up! Bouldering time! Anneliese, me and the rest of the diarrhoefree group are walking towards the boulders. As soon as everybody got his cartilage damaged, torn pulleys or other pain of the day we watch one more of this amazing sunsets. While everybody else is tired you can watch Anneliese doing her project "Cosmic friction" 6c+ ! Wow. A refreshing cool shower later we meet at Arkes Place or Goan Corner, the day ends for me with a little Atkins diet :) and international tongue-twisters in english, swedisch or japanese.

P.S.: But not every day is a perfect day, not even on a worldtrip. Anneliese got recently two times really strong Migraine incl. Aura.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hoi ehr zwo,

i hans clim magazin!
din foto ischt aber nid scharf, ma heöts a klei verschwommö gmachat! :(
abr ma heöt mör´s fum tütschö gschänkt heör gschickt ! ;-)
bin halt doch no din brüdör!

hebands no frei
gruß mäffi

Brenna hat gesagt…

Torn tendons tend to make a bad day too... be careful!!! Go Anneliese on Cosmic Friction!!! Awesome job! We are missing you guys. Be safe.

Anonym hat gesagt…

hej ihr beiden... warte schon gespannt auf die nächsten bilder und berichte! was steht denn am plan? passt gut auf euch auf.
glg barbara